COMMENCING WITH THE CURRENT EDITION November 2019, ‘Fire Wise’ and Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria (VFBV) have partnered together to launch a new quarterly VFBV feature supplement that will be included with Fire Wise, four times a year, at no additional charge.
This new easy to read format will replace the VFBV Quarterly Mailout that used to be mailed separately to Brigades, and included relevant news, updates and information on current issues being pursued by VFBV on behalf of members.
Under this arrangement each brigade will be receiving a free copy every month of Fire Wise to both Captain and Secretary and each Group a free copy for the Group Officer and Group Secretary as a benefit of their paid VFBV affiliation fee. It is hoped these free copies will supplement any existing paid ‘Fire Wise’ subscriptions and are intended to be tabled at Brigade and Group meetings to be made available to members. Individuals are encouraged to continue their subscription to ‘Fire Wise’ which relies on paid subscriptions to support the publication and printing costs.
All existing subscribers will receive a copy of the quarterly VFBV Supplement as well, providing wider reach.
Managing Editor of ‘Fire Wise’ Gordon King and Chief Executive Officer of VFBV Adam Barnett both hailed this new initiative and said it demonstrates the strong bonds that have been enjoyed by the two organisations since the publication’s inception.
“The Volunteer Association has always been an enthusiastic and loyal supporter of ‘FireWise’ and has long recognised the importance of a publication dedicated to providing news coverage of not only CFA but the thoughts, news and aspirations of its volunteers. I am very pleased on behalf of VFBV to continue this support for ‘Fire Wise’ with the establishment of this new feature that should serve both well, ” said Mr Barnett.
First published in July 1947, ‘The Fireman’ as it was called back then, was established as an independent publication that has proved a vital tool to assist with the communication between individual firefighters, brigades, CFA, VFBV and the wider sector. It provides valuable and interesting information to all CFA members, keeping its readers up to date on matters that affect the fire service and, in many instances, is the sole source of important facts.
Third Generation Editor Gordon King (whose father Alan and grandfather Les before him have been editors of ‘The Fireman’) and Mr Barnett explained the long history between the publication and the volunteer association.
“Back in 1956 a page of the publication was dedicated solely to news and notes from the Association which continues (on page 2) to this day. In 1958, the then Editor of ‘The Fireman’ Les King asked if consideration could be given by the Association to make ‘The Fireman’ its official publication. Aware that two similar publications that had been established previously and had both failed to garner strong support or readership, the CFA Chair at the time made an appeal to both the Urban and Rural Associations urging them to grant permission and support the publication for the benefit of the fire service and all firefighters.
The Associations granted permission at their annual meetings in 1958, and the publication has enjoyed this exclusive status ever since.
“One of the unique facts regarding ‘Fire Wise’ is that readers help determine its content. Brigades and firefighters regularly make contact regarding local issues – incidents, training, exercises, vehicle handovers or brigade functions – to have a report published in the next edition. This contact is crucial and is welcome from any brigade or group through the State,” said Mr King.
It is hoped both Brigade Captains and Secretaries and Group Officers and Group Secretaries take the time to read Fire Wise, and table the VFBV Quarterly Supplement for the benefit of their members. Page 1 of the supplement will include an easy to read summary of any items requiring action or response from brigades/groups.
As all Brigade Captains and Secretaries and Group Officers and Group Secretaries will receive a complimentary copy under this arrangement with VFBV, Fire Wise would appreciate if any changes to office bearers or addresses be provided to the office.
This includes changes to current subscriptions held which will continue to be sent and invoiced as normal.
If your brigade or group has an editorial item for inclusion please contact the Editor.
For any changes or items for inclusion, or to be placed on a reminder list of copy close dates, please contact Gordon King at or by telephone on 0402 051 412.
The first VFBV Quarterly Supplement is included with the November 2019 edition of ‘Fire Wise’.